Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Cisco: Internet of Things is now a $19tn opportunity

Cisco continues to push the concept of the Internet of Things  or as it is called the trend of all things Internet.where billions of IP -enabled devices are connected and linked together through the countryside Internet.Last Cisco said this was an occasion for $ 14.5tn .

At the Consumer Electronics Show CEO  John Chambers  hit that estimate to $ 19tn and says it could increase profits for Cisco by 21 percent by 2022.
It's not about technology at all Chambers said in his opening speech at The Vegas.It's  of how people change their lives forever

Cameras and Cisco are right.The Internet of things is huge. The interconnectedness of all things  digital conversion and analog systems to IP -enabled devices has been a dream of those who built the Internet.And the vision has been around a lot longer than science writers fiction have painted tiles of a future in which people can climb any wall to gain access to everything from information to food to entertainment.
The contemporary manifestation of the Internet of Things is Internet-connected TV smartwatches and portable devices such as PCs and convertible tablets.At CES  electronics manufacturers are unveiling a series of new devices that take advantage of the computing power and storage Internet.
idea is to reduce the processing load on the local client and encourage consumers and businesses to subscription services.

Finally the Internet of things will gradually expand to include everything with a digital heartbeat including cooking cars and appliances Municipal Rent systems.Many these systems are already in limited use.
New York City for example is testing a program in which drivers can pay for parking for a fee with their smartphone and receive notifications when the time is running out.Nest thermostat connected to the Internet allows owners to control their heat from virtually anywhere via their home security systems smartphones.And are now accessed and controlled via the Internet.
The problem for technology vendors solution providers and finally customers.You can not build or buy online for $ 19tn things.This opportunity that is slightly larger than the combined gross domestic product of North America which speaks Chambers is an illusion that is always an oasis in the next boom desert.Ask Cisco or any other technology provider to show the box that the Internet of things come from?They can not.It will never happen.

There is no such thing as the  Internet of things as opportunity.It's concept of a trend a idea.It's cloud computing as a generic term that describes a future technology state.It's  not a product nor consequently a business model.

If you ask the House and others of his ilk to break their income from the internet of objects that will be able to provide numbers.Chambers discuss core network unified communications and sales of securities and are contributing to infrastructure components and systems that make up  Internet of Things .
Samsung could do something like this and talk about sales of its devices smartwatches phablets a day. Microsoft wanted to discuss applications and middleware to discuss his sells.And IBM Smarter Planet systems where applications and intelligence that connects all the hardware provided.
For solution providers of Internet of Things is a great opportunity but one that no one will ever call a business model or solution provider identity.No never be called an Internet of Things Provider.Instead they will continue to sell and support the endpoint control storage networks security and applications that make up the fabric of iT as they do today .

The difference will be more devices and applications with more diversity today.
There is no doubt that the Internet of Things will transform the IT landscape and marketplace.It's a natural evolution in our attempt to automate manage and optimize many systems as possible.Just not try to package and sell the latest Internet of Things apparatus.

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